Unlearning in a noisy world

3 min readJan 30, 2023


It’s easy to become overwhelmed with information and advice in today’s fast-paced, always-connected world. Everywhere we turn, self-styled experts and gurus assert that they have the solution to all of our issues. But it's important to keep in mind that many of the issues facing our world today are a direct result of our actions.

As we embraced machine power to automate our labor in the late nineteenth century, the industrial revolution marked a pivotal point in human history. While there were many benefits to this, there were a number of unintended consequences as well, which contributed to many of the issues we face today. Hunger, poverty, and climate change are a few examples. We need to step back and unlearn some of the ways of thinking that got us here in order to effectively address these issues. This entails letting go of out-of-date beliefs and being receptive to novel concepts, even if they conflict with our strongly held beliefs. It also requires that we adapt our practices and beliefs as necessary, as well as maintaining an open mind to new information.

Unlearning can be difficult, especially in the current environment of constant noise and conflicting information. But it's an important step toward progress and the creation of a better future for the planet as well as for humanity.

One of the biggest obstacles to unlearning is our own bias and preconceptions. We tend to cling to our beliefs, even when faced with evidence to the contrary. This can make it difficult to accept new information and adjust our beliefs accordingly. To overcome these biases, it’s important to approach new information with an open mind and a willingness to question our own beliefs. We should also be willing to seek out multiple sources of information and critically evaluate the information we receive.

Another challenge in unlearning is the fear of the unknown. We may feel comfortable with our current way of thinking and be hesitant to embrace new ideas. However, it’s important to recognize that embracing change is a necessary part of growth and progress.

In addition to personal biases and fear of change, the abundance of information available in the digital age can also make unlearning difficult. With so much information at our fingertips, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and not know where to turn for reliable information.

To overcome this, it’s important to take a step back and evaluate the sources of information we rely on. Are they trustworthy and credible? Are they presenting information impartially and objectively? By critically evaluating our sources of information, we can avoid being misled and make more informed decisions.

Unlearning is not a one-time event but rather a continuous process of questioning and adjusting our beliefs and practices. It requires a willingness to challenge our assumptions and embrace new perspectives. It also requires a commitment to seeking out accurate and reliable information and being open to new ideas.

In today’s chaotic world, unlearning is essential. It enables us to discard outmoded viewpoints and accept fresh ones, enabling us to successfully address the problems facing our planet. We can move closer to building a better future for ourselves and the planet by keeping an open mind when learning new information, assessing our sources of information critically, and accepting change.

Quiet down; we’re all just learning.




Whatever comes to mind, I write. I have strong opinions.